دورات في
"كولادو فيﻻلبا"

دورة تدريبية لعمال التنظيف حول كيفية تفادى الضررعلى الأعمال الفنية قبل وقوعه

Centro de Formación El Barco
Centro de Formación El Barco


خلال أيام 16، 17 و 18 نيسان/أبريل قد تم تدريس دورة حول "منع الضرر الذي قد يلحق بالأعمال الفنية والذى شارك فيه موظفوا التنظيف من" شركة كليس، الذين يقومون ب أعمالهم في قصر"المجلس النيابي".

Centro de Formación El Barco


وهذه الدورة تندرج ضمن "الخطة الوطنية" للحفاظ الوقائي وتهدف إلى تجنب قدر المستطاع الأضرار المحتملة الناجمة عن تنظيف الموظفين للمحتويات الفنية في المباني المؤسسية.

El Barco - أخبار



Los retratos de los Marqueses de Linares instalados de nuevo en el Palacio de Linares

El Barco®, as head of the conservation of the Casa de America, has done the work to install the two portraits of the Marquis, in the former office of the Marquis on main floor (room Bartolomé de las Casas). The paintings were made by the painter Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz.

Works, in collaboration with the Museo del Prado owner of the paintings, have consisted of the withdrawal of the earlier decoration and preparation of holes in the panelling of oak. We have used to clean the room varnishes.

Plates have also been made at the suggestion of the Museo del Prado.

The works have lasted a week, within the plan of preventive conservation, that the institution has contracted with El Barco® for 25 years.



Have begun them works of restoration of the Hall of audiences, with interventions punctual in the boudoir and cornice, equally is have led to out interventions of urgency in the painting mural that decorates the ceiling.

Detalle de la Sala de Audiencias del Cuartel General del Ejército

This room, richly decorated of style Empire, with woods of mahogany in walls and high relief carved in wood and Golden with gold fine and technical «to the water», think corresponds to the time in that D. Manuel Godoy was owner of said Palace, since by the style decorative coincides with them tastes of their time, also is has interpreted the iconography of the Lunette of the trumeau as the bust of D. Manuel Godoy receiving the Crown ducal own of its title «Duke of Alcúdia».

The intervention, has undergone a meticulous protection of all the elements that would not be tapped and have occupied an important part of the project.

Trabajos de restauración de la Sala de Audiencias del Cuartel General del Ejército

Highlights from the condition were unfortunate previous interventions masking qualities of the original decorations.

The carvings missing were with plaster, Golden and repainted with glitter, wood of mahogany with patinas that obscured the joint.

Trabajos de restauración de la Sala de Audiencias

The intervention consisted in:

  •             Disassembly of all the high relief
  •             Wooden cloths clean, hydrated and varnished French with gomalaca
  •             Cleaning and removal of repaints and glitters in gold
  •             Replacement of carvings lost with wood
  •             Restoration of gilded with technique to water and 23 ¾ k Gold

Trabajos de restauración de las pinturas murales de la Sala de Audiencias

Intervention in the mural painting has been in:

  •             Removal of salts
  •             Consolidation of support
  •             Consolidation of the coat painting
  •             Reintegration chromatic

Sala de Audiencias del Cuartel General del Ejército

This Lounge is located between them more representative of the heritage art of the Headquarters General of the Army.



Taller de Restauración el Barco, S.L. is collaborating with the administration of United States in a project pilot for optimize the restoration of their heritage artistic.

Firstly we have participated in the elaboration, by means of tabs, a complete project which specifies the condition and described the necessary interventions for restoration.

Restauración del mobiliario de la Embajada Americana

Is a form of work practice and rigorous, that is giving excellent results.

The project is at an advanced stage and restoration of artistic heritage is proving to be much appreciated by the administration. Learn of all and we like participating in a project as practical as rigorous.



The 30 of August began them works of decoration of the Hall main of the residence of the Ambassador of France in Spain.

Embajada francesa

Them works consisted in the realization of Golden and painting of the decorations of the Hall.

Restauración de los salones de la Embajada francesa

These works are part of the division of work of high decoration, made by our company for exclusive clients.



One of the most unknown treasures of our artistic heritage are the work of «stucco volume» who treasure the «Casitas» that King Carlos IV is build in El Pardo, Aranjuez and El Escorial. In this project we will try the roof of «stucco volume» of the room of silks from the House of the Prince of El Escorial.

According to the documentation, Juan Bautista Ferroni begins the work of decoration and design in 1789. In 1795 the Plasterers José Ginés continues the work of decoration, aided by a team of officers other than the employee by Ferroni.

Techo de la Sala de Sedas de La Casita del Príncipe (El Escorial)

These ceilings stand is made of stitched with lime-sand brick vault, subsequently carries a plaster of lime-sand brick crushed and topped with ornaments made in plaster.

The arrangement of decorations consists of four ornate themes in limes with cameos, representing allegories. All this in the vaulted area. The flat central area houses two cameos and performances of high relief with scrolls, wreaths, and human figures. The mouldings are made of lead and gold to the armhole in two tones of fine gold. The carving is very fine and each item is different. All this is modeling and then emptied and placed. We have also found that many of the elements are carved «in situ». The work is an extraordinary smoothness and delicate.

Restauración del techo de la Sala de Sedas, de La Casita del Príncipe

The alterations that have suffered these ceilings, are caused by leakage of water from lead covers. We have found that these problems have been happening is regularly in time, since the roof is involved at different times and by different hands.

Previous interventions are made in plaster and are very rough, as compared to the original. As the preparation of plaster with water have produced sales repeated leaks, which has led to the loss of decorations, since plasters were altered and very dusty. Pearl ornaments and leads are repainted glitter with volume loss.

Techo de la Sala de Sedas de La Casita del Príncipe - Restaurado

The intervention of restoration begins with a map marking the different alterations: lack of volume, sales, cracks, purplish inadequate previous speeches, sample, etc.

Then proceeded to clean up everything that was in bad state, reaching the support of brick. Elimination of sales. Reconstruction of all the missing elements, using moulds and in many cases completing molding «in situ» as the original did. Complete the decorations with rigor and perfectly documented has been the purpose of this intervention, which is very delicate and requires the best team of specialists in «gypsum stucco».


We believe very interesting disclosure of this type of works of our artistic heritage of great beauty, true works of relief sculpture, and that because of the difficulty of viewing, since they are in small rooms and low ceilings, few people know.

National heritage has been doing in the last twenty years a real effort in the rigorous restoration of their artistic heritage that many times we do not know in depth by its complexity and magnitude.


Transfer of the Mihrab Al-Uwayna, in Wadi Bani Khalid, to the National Museum of Oman

When Acciona Producciones y Diseño offered us the chance to participate in the project to conserve, remove and install the Mihrab belonging to the Al Uwainah Mosque Wadi Bani Khalid, we were very aware of the difficulty and the professional challenge that this intervention meant.

In first place, it was a challenge due to the location of the monument itself. Secondly, we had no record of any work performed to detach a plaster work of these dimensions or at least we haven´t found it.

Trabajos para el traslado del Mihrab de Al- Uwayna, en Wadi Bani Khalid (Omán)

Our Company, Taller de Restauración el Barco, S.L., is a Spaniard firm, with wide experience in high complicated project and a deep will of internalization. Each project is different; however this one implied a big responsibility professionally speaking because we were dealing with one of the most important monuments of the Omani Heritage.

Immediately after accepting the challenge, a multidisciplinary team started to work to prepare the project and they studied the best methodology to face the intervention.

Similar experiences in the fields of archeology and wall painting were investigated, in order to find any information that may be useful to confront the project.

Trabajos para el traslado del Mihrab de Al- Uwayna, en Wadi Bani Khalid (Omán)

The first step was to visit the Mihrab in Wadi Bani Khalid and we took some samples of the supporting material, to be aware of what type of material we were about to work with, because at first sight, it seemed to be made of lime stucco. However, the analysis prove us wrong, and it confirmed that it was made of different plaster layers cooked at different temperatures, until reaching the superficial layer which was an anhydrite layer stronger than the rest, and water proof. It is very interesting to verify that the folk knowledge, without the actual sophistication, by simply intuition and empiric experience, is able to carry out the most accurate work to achieve the only goal of last longing. By the same token, we could confirm that the job was performed in “jornatas”(working days), such as in “al fresco” wall painting technique, on Mihrab´s case, the artesian applied fresh plaster and drew decorations by incision in location. All these clues were gathered to develop the methodology to detach the Mihrab in such a way that we planned the dismantling regarding to the way it was constructed.

After the study of the intervention, we rely on earlier experiences from other interventions to develop a system that would allow to assemble the plaster structure, which is a very fragile material that disintegrates easily, in this current case it was more concerning due to the conditions of the Mihrab that was uncovered, because the roof covering it fell down and the rubble hided part of it.

Montaje del Mihrab de Al- Uwayna en el Museo Nacional de Omán

The chosen system was to create for the back side a resin and fiberglass structure to strengthen it and to insert stainless steel plates, which will be used as connectors to anchor the plates to a fixed structure in the Museum. This system was already used to a Project for the United States; It took us a long time of research and development to figure out how to avoid that the resin used for its consolidation had no impact on the art piece. Without a doubt, this system has facilitate the installation work and also, it makes each piece holds its own weight, avoiding weight tensions with the rest of the pieces.

All of technical details are further explained in the wide documentation prepared about this particular work which is attached bellow with an imagery report of each task.



One of the causes of degradation of the decorations are produced because of the ascension by capillary moisture. Three rooms on the ground floor of the Royal Palace of la Granja have been intervened by the Dry Kit, TRS114 formulation system and we have really found the capillarity effect has disappeared. Obviously, the damage produced by this rise of humidity in the decorations. Salts that carried water dissolved, leaving abroad increase volume, which leads to a rupture of the plaster and fall decorations and support.

Inside view of the first floor of the Palace of La Granja

The restoration in the wall paintings in tempera, consisted in the removal of salts, through «dark» of demineralized water; later recovery of the plaster of gypsum, taking profiles and completing volumes and finally restoration of the paint layer to the temple and hatched in fine gold.

Restoration process

The restoration of the marble stucco plaster, has required a particular intervention, since it has been necessary to reproduce with the same technique all the framed stucco that had the lower parts of the room. The technique of execution to match these Jaspers, requires the expertise of the plasterer, which should equal tones and the design of the marble playing. This technique consists in use: plaster, animal glue, mineral pigments and a little lime. These elements together and working skillfully manage to recreate Marbles that can exist in nature or that are pure fantasy. The problem lies in matching tones and designs of others, for mimetizarlos in the whole.

Inside view of the first floor of the Palace of La Granja

Another of the elements to restore, have been the filigrees of stucco volume in the mouths of doors and balconies of the Palace. These watermarks are very representative of Baroque decorations, van made of plaster using a run-on dies, which sit spot and then Brown in fine gold to the armhole.


The Ministry of Justice improves the conservation of its artistic heritage

The Ministry of Justice engages the service of preventive conservation for all the artistic elements of its heritage furniture.

The Ministry of Justice. Madrid

There are already more administrations that put resources for the conservation of its historic-artistic heritage, with the hiring of a rigorous and professional service that ensures controlled, and not sporadic, its rich artistic heritage.

Policy-makers and managers of some administrations, have seen this service a coherent tool to respond to the conservation of all the assets that possess.

The Ministry of Justice. MadridThe Ministry of Justice

These contracts included in the preservation of institutional buildings, and for which we have created the «immediate response service», are valued at working hours. Thus the hiring of small repairs is immediate, and they are only billed hours which have been used to perform the required work. It includes coverage of inquiry in which advises those responsible in each institution for the preservation of its artistic heritage. This practice, which we have been doing more than 20 years, confirms that where applicable, the awareness of the value of its assets increases, cares more and better. Caring for our heritage is a thing of all.



We want to break a lance in favor of the effort involved private artistic heritage conservation today. Specifically we will discuss what is happening we in a speech that we are making in Galicia, is the «cervigón House», built in the 1930s by D. Emilio Cervigón careers for their children. This House designed by the architect Jordi Tell Novelles, is considered to be of Cultural interest and is representative of what is coming to call the «modern movement», that no modernist.

suelos de taraceasuelos de madera

The current owners are having serious problems of humidity that have altered rich inlaid wood floors, realized in fine wood: mahogany, boxwood, Lemongrass, roots, etc. The entire House is richly decorated in wood, both floors and walls and ceilings. Intervention posed today is if they are preserved and restored these soils or on the contrary make new. It is surprising the property interest in the original, is retained even though the cost may be higher. The reflection we why the public patrimony, which is a ‘good for all’ is not managed in the same way? Why currently building dclarado Bien de interés Cultural, retains only the facade and the rest is demolished? We are attending rehailitaciones in which to enter a building with a facade of old, what you find inside is a «time tunnel» that takes you back to, as I call the «style Moneo» all decorations, all the aesthetics of the time has gone.

At the moment we are complicit in the ownership of the «House Cervigón» and believe that the effort to preserve the interior decoration, is as important as the effort to preserve the facade. I think that it is an example to follow and all those involved in the preservation of our rich artistic heritage must be rigorous and professional. Tolerance zero with the destruction of our architectural and cultural heritage.



Begin the restoration work of the altarpiece of our Lady of Pilar, belonging to the convent of the Descalzas real of Madrid.

This altarpiece is situated in the cloister of the convent, made of carved and polychromed wood. The altarpiece is the second third of the 17TH century, is made up of body main and penthouse. The main body is divided into three areas, with two Solomonic columns on the sides.

The condition presents an overlay and blackened by a thick patina of bitumen of Judea. There are losses volume and size.

Altar of Nuestra Señora del Pilar - Convent of las Descalzas Reales de Madrid

The restoration is consisting of the removal of the coating layer, the consolidation of the polychrome and the replacement of the first phase of the volumes.



Following the policy of recovery of original decorations of the Palace of El Pardo, initiated by national heritage 15 years ago. «Official Antedespacho» and «Main hall», salons have undergone an in-depth historical study to prepare a rigorous draft of action, where all the artistic elements of these rooms they have been.

Mural in the official antedespacho «Apollo Awards Arts» of Ramón Bayeu, mural painting «Justice, peace and abundance» main lobby of Mariano Salvador Maella, as well as volume stuccos, gold, carpets, furniture, floors, woodwork, have been the subject of a comprehensive restoration, which has lasted three years and resumes for the general public, the oldest Palace Art spaces in the community of Madrid.

Rooms of the Palace of El Pardo



The restoration works of the private rooms, which Queen Victoria Eugenia used at his residence in the Royal Palace of Madrid have been completed.

This comprehensive restoration, has consisted of the restoration of mural painting whose author was Mariano Salvador Maella and between 1782-83. Stucco volume, with high relief in plaster and gilt molded decorations. Golden, artistic fabrics replacement works. Furniture, woodwork and hardwood floors.

Estas actuaciones se enmarcan en la política de Patrimonio Nacional, de recuperar espacios históricos con criterios rigurosos de actuación recuperando calidades y métodos de actuación.

Restoration of private dining rooms of Queen Victoria Eugenia in the Royal Palace of Madrid

Queen Victoria Eugenia private dining rooms



The work carried out by El Barco in Mihrab Al-Uwayna of Wadi Bani Khalid, in Oman, have aroused great interest among cultural elites of the country.

The initiative promoted by the Sultanate of Oman, to restore and preserve your assets using the experience of pioneering companies in the catering sector, as it is the case of Taller de Restauración el Barco, has aroused great interest in the local media and Omani national, that are giving many broadcasting to the project.

Periódico omaní con la noticia del traslado del Mihrab Al-Uwayna

It is undoubtedly an ambitious project, because the condition in which the Mihrab was is very delicate and the move could compromise the integrity of the decorations. Despite the difficulty, a team of experts has moved there to be able to undertake the difficult task of the transportation of the mihrab to the National Museum of Oman, where there will be a space with the right conditions to preserve the originality of this work of art from the 16th century.

It is the first time that moves a work of art made entirely in plaster. Being so corruptible material, protection measures must exercise to get the work to the Museum in optimal conditions. The technical resources used in the project are impressive and about it treated the press reports omani.




Cleaning the front of Presidency, in the Chamber of the Congress of Deputies

After various works of equipment in the Palace of the Congress of Deputies, the address of the House’s artistic historical heritage carries out cleaning jobs in the Chamber of the Congress, to allow it to point during the celebration of the open days. The works consist of the removal of dust and dirt that accumulate decorations and sculptures, and the velvets of the baldachin. To carry out the work have been installed scaffolding on the rostrum.

Cleaning work in the plenary of the Congress HallLimpieza de los terciopelos del hemiciclo del Palacio del Congreso

A team of restorers worked during the weekend not to interrupt the normal activity of the Congress.

Cleaning of the velvets of the hemicycle of the ParliamentLimpieza mediante aspiración y arrastre

Cleaning of the velvets of the Chamber in the Palace of Congress.



Mihrab Masjid al-Uwajna

El Barco S.L. signs a contract with Acciona Producciones y diseño S.A. to make the move to the National Museum of Oman of the mihrab “Masjid al-Uwajna” located in Wadi Bani Khalid. The mihrab, in lime stucco, is one of the most important pieces that will have the National Museum of Oman and corresponds to the religious art traditional omani from the 16th century.

The work, to develop for 4 months, will consist of start-up, transfer and placement of the mihrab in Muscat, city where the National Museum of Oman is being built.


أعمال الحفاظ الوقائي في قاعة العرش في القصر الملكي في مدريد

Salón del Trono del Palacio Real de Madrid

في كانون الأول/ديسمبر الماضي، تم الانتهاء من أعمال الحفاظ الوقائي في العناصر الفنية المنتمين إلى قاعة العرش للقصر الملكى بمدريد.

Salón del Trono
Salón del Trono

كان الجزء الأكثر تعقيداً تمثل فى وضع السقالات ومعدات الحماية بسبب أبعاد الغرف وكمية العناصر الفنية بها.

ومما ذاد الأمرتعقيدا أنها منذ أكثر من 20 عاماً لم يتم عمل صيانة في الستائر المخملية من القطيفة. كما تمت معالجة المذهبات والنقوش البارزة والعناصر الثابتة، مثل المرايا.

Salón del Trono

ولقد ركزت الأشغال بداية على إزالة الغبار والأوساخ، ومعالجة وتثبيت الذهب، وطلائها بطبقة لحمايتها. وتقع هذه الوظائف في إطارإجراءات الحفظ الوقائي، في حدود الخدمة التي نقدمها.

Salón del Trono


دراسة للوحات الرومانسية في كنيسة سان توركواتو في فيللا سانتوركاز (مدريد)

Iglesia de San Torcuato (Villa de Santorcaz)

بتكيف من الإدارة العامة لتراث مقاطعة مدريد، أجرت شركة الباركودراسة لتحديد ما إذا كانت اللوحات التي تظهر خلف بهو اللوحات الفنية, في رأس الكنيسة ،والمنتمية إلى سفح «البانتوكراتور»، لها ملحق تابع لها في الجزء العلوي من مقصورة النقوش ، ولهذا الغرض تم إقامة سقالات والتى من خلال فحوص دقيقة ستسمح بتحديد ما إذا كان هناك أدلة على وجود تلك النقوش.


إتمام الدورة التدريبية «فن الجص»

The course of

في 9 كانون الأول/ديسمبر تم اختتام دورة «الجص الفني والذى استمر على مدى » 880ساعة، التي بدأت في نيسان/أبريل، عام 2013.

وقد حضرحفل تسليم الدبلومات، كل من: السيد أجوستين خواريز عمدة «كويادو فيالبا،» ، ونائب العمدة، السيد خوسيه فلوريس.

ومما هو جدير بالذكر أن تلك الدورة الدراسية تحت رعاية بلدية مدينة كوييادو فيالبا قدأتاح لخمسة عشر طالبا التدريب على هذه المهنة ثم والحصول على الدرجة الدراسية فى هذا المجال.


مركز التدريب للحرف اليدوية الباركو يزورالقصر الملكى بلالجرانخا دي سان الديفونسو

Centro de Formación El Barco

زار طلاب مركز التدريب الباركو فى 3 أيار/مايو لقصر الملكى بلالجرانخا دي سان الديفونسو ليشاهدوا عمليا بالموفع نفسه الزخارف من الرخام و النقوش والزخارف على الجير التى ترجع لعهد الملك فيليب الخامس وإيزابيل دى فارنيسيو وأخرين كتلك المنحوتة من الرخام بالطابق الأرضى.

Centro de Formación El BarcoCentro de Formación El Barco

وكان خمسة وأربعين طالبا الذين تضمهم الدورات التدريبية الثلاث قد شاهدوا نتائج التعليم الذى تلقوه خلال دورات الرسم : الرخام والجبس. وقد أجمع الجميع على مدى أهمية تلك الزيارة التى قاموا بها سواء الطلاب أو المعلمون الذين كانوا قد أنجزوا مهمة الترميم انذاك للقصر المذكور.


Pupils from El Barco Training Centre visit Linares Palace, Spain’s House of Parliament and San Lorenzo de El Escorial Monastery

وفى الثامن عشر من يناير لعام الفان وأحدى عشر تمكن طلاب الدورة التدريبية للرسم الزخرفى والترميم للاعمال الخشبية والتابعين لمركز البركو التعليمى، تمكنوا من التمتع بزيارة قصر ليناريس ولقصر البرلمان ،والتى نظمها المركز التعليمى الباركو ،حيث تمكنوا بمرافقة معلميهم بالتمتع بمشاهدة الزخارف المهيبة لقاعات القصر، وهناك تمكنوا من الوقوف على التقنيات المتنوعة للزخارف التى تعلموها فى مركز الباركو. والحاقا لنفس الغرض فان «الباركو «قامت بتنظيم زيارة أخرى فى الثانى من فبراير لنفس العام . لدير سان لورنسو الاسكوريال للطلاب الذين استفادوا عمليا من تلك الزيارة.

Alumnos de los cursos de Pintura Decorativa y Restauración de Madera del
Centro de Formación El Barco visitan el Palacio de Linares y el Congreso de los DiputadosAlumnos de los cursos de Pintura Decorativa y Restauración de Madera del Centro de Formación El Barco visitan el Congreso de los Diputados

زيارة للطلاب إلى قصر ليناريس.
يمين: زيارة الطلاب لقصر» مجلس النواب».


و لقد شاركت شركة الباركو بجناح في المعرض الخامس»الكبير فى دبي»، حيث نقدم مشاريع من الزخرفة العالية ونسخ من العناصر المعمارية

Vista general del stand de la empresa El Barco en la Feria Big 5 Show de Dubai

من 22 إلى 25 نوفمبر 2010 عقد في دبي المعرض الدولى المبانى والتشييد ويعد أكبر معرض فى قطاع االتشييد والبناء فى الشرق الاوسط. الباركو شارك من خلال جناح حيث عرض مشاريع الزخرفة الراقية وعرض لنسخ من الموضوعات والعناصر المعمارية عارضا بهذا لتقنيات متنوعة للزخارف، كما ألقى المتخصصون من الباركو المحاضرات حول المهن اليدوية الموجهة للزخرفة عالية الجودة.

Vista general del stand de la empresa El Barco en la Feria Big 5 Show de Dubai

هذا وقد قام بزيارة جناحنا السيد غونثالو دى بينيتوسيكاد يس سفير اسبانيا فى دولة الأمارات العربية المتحدة
يمين: السيد فرناندو سالاثار بالما نائب الرئيس التنفيزى فى إيسيكس فى جناح الباركو

Vista general del stand de la empresa El Barco en la Feria Big 5 Show de Dubai

الاتفاقيات والتعاون التجاري التى تم ابرامها في المعرض.
يمين:  محاضرة السيدة ديانا بينابينتى في «الجناح الإسباني».