Have begun them works of restoration of the Hall of audiences, with interventions punctual in the boudoir and cornice, equally is have led to out interventions of urgency in the painting mural that decorates the ceiling.
This room, richly decorated of style Empire, with woods of mahogany in walls and high relief carved in wood and Golden with gold fine and technical «to the water», think corresponds to the time in that D. Manuel Godoy was owner of said Palace, since by the style decorative coincides with them tastes of their time, also is has interpreted the iconography of the Lunette of the trumeau as the bust of D. Manuel Godoy receiving the Crown ducal own of its title «Duke of Alcúdia».
The intervention, has undergone a meticulous protection of all the elements that would not be tapped and have occupied an important part of the project.
Highlights from the condition were unfortunate previous interventions masking qualities of the original decorations.
The carvings missing were with plaster, Golden and repainted with glitter, wood of mahogany with patinas that obscured the joint.
The intervention consisted in:
- Disassembly of all the high relief
- Wooden cloths clean, hydrated and varnished French with gomalaca
- Cleaning and removal of repaints and glitters in gold
- Replacement of carvings lost with wood
- Restoration of gilded with technique to water and 23 ¾ k Gold
Intervention in the mural painting has been in:
- Removal of salts
- Consolidation of support
- Consolidation of the coat painting
- Reintegration chromatic
This Lounge is located between them more representative of the heritage art of the Headquarters General of the Army.